Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random Photos

I'm not the greatest at this whole blog thing! I only remember I have one every once in a while and all though our family has a lot of fun, crazy, wild, sad, Happy random things happen to us I never know what to say or remember to post it. I love reading everyone elses though its great! Maybe I'll just keep posting random Pictures.Does any one else ever feel this way about blogging?


Jones Family said...

I am right there with you. I used to blog atleast 3 times every week. Now I always forget and then when I do remember I usualy don't have time or want to use my time on something else. I love the random photos though. It will be nice as your kids get older you will get to look back and see the pictures of them getting bigger.

Hazel Patricia Robbins said...

I love this picture of the girls. It is soooo....cute!!! Pictures are the best part of blogging, so I think you are doing great!!
