Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Prophet likes Dee's Restaurant

The coolest thing happened to our family today. Clint had to go into work for about an hour today so we decided to go with him so we could go eat at the original pancake house after he was finished. When we arrived it was so crowded we decided we were to hungry to wait so we decided to go to Dee's restaurant down the street. It was crowded to but we decided to wait. While we were waiting clint had hit me on the shoulder and said look who that is and by the look on his face i knew it wasn't just a family member or a dance mom it was the Prophet Thomas s. Monson I was Speechless! Our timing was perfect had we of been any later we would have missed that opportunity to share that as a family people were getting pictures of him on their cell phones and shaking his hand I wanted to take a picture of him so bad but I didn't want to be dis-respectful. Even though I know he would have taken one with us we were to nervous to ask. We even had our good camera out in the car. Now maybe I can stretch this story a little bit and say "we had break feast with our Prophet." Close enough right? This will be a fun story to share with our grand kids someday! I just wish we could have had more courage to get a picture to prove it! Oh well, at least we now know the Prophet likes Dees's Restaurant.